For Over 20 Years Cuban Cigar Factory Has Been Offering The Finest Cigars in San Diego.

The Cuban Cigar Factory was established in 1995 in the heart of San Diego’s Historic Gaslamp Quarter. We specialize in manufacturing premium cigars which were hand-rolled on site by Master Cigar Makers from Cuba and the Dominican Republic. 

The cigars are made using the finest Cuban-shredded tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua. Today, The Cuban Cigar Factory has undergone a modern transformation with the incorporation our Cigar Lounge and Wine Bar which serves fine wine from around the world, and a wide selection of Craft, Micro brewed and Belgian beers. Due to our transformation we no longer has the capacity to manufacture our cigars on location, but instead have teamed up with two of the largest cigar manufacturers in the industry today out of Honduras and Dominican Republic where out cigars are now being manufacture. We still use only the finest tobaccos to manufacture our Cigars.

In addition we have expanded out Humidor and now offer a large selection of premium imported cigars. So come in to the Cuban Cigar Factory and “Experience the Tradition”!

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